Collection: Consumer Orders
Comfort Soft Home Retractor
A rigid but soft retractor to be used when brushing after a cleaning. Ideal for retracting for post hygiene visit, implant care, geriatric care and special health care needs consumers, caregivers, and teledentistry.
Mouth Mate Home Retractor
A soft retractor to be used when brushing for children and parents after a pediatric or orthodontic cleaning. Used to retract and brush to improve hygiene and change bands for orthodontic consumers.
Tongue Guide Home Retractor
A gentle retractor to be used prior for tongue assessment, and prior or after a tongue tie procedure for tongue exercises, lifting and stretching.
PetSoft Consumer
PetSoft Home Single Pet Multi Use - Use to look in the mouth of your pet easily and safely to monitor dental disease, injury or any noticeable changes.